I'm always so pleased when I find a way round some exasperating computer problem that I thought I'd share my moments of triumph ...

Monday, 25 June 2012

MacBook Air drops WiFi connection - solved

We had to change the wifi security to WEP to accommodate a primitive PC laptop. After that I had to re-log in to the wifi network every time it woke up. Absolutely maddening.

Lots of internet searching and different solutions later, eg delete network and re-add it, etc. Finally a sensible suggestion from someone: Run Repair Permissions from disk utility.

Problem solved, connection drops no more. So simple!

A few weeks later ...

This is from me! I really was doubtful that the solution could be that simple, but my MacBook Air was dropping the connection again, this time to a brand new BT HomeHub router.

So I ran Permissions Repair and guess what, it's fixed again! Hope it lasts.

And subsequently ...

Dropped again - this time I just did "turn WiFi off" from the top menu bar, and then on again, and it picked up again.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Convert ebooks for any reader - Kindle etc

As ever we have to run to keep up with the shifting download urls. As I post, here are the latest DeDRM tools, v5.1, the vital component for ebook conversion:


To use:
- Install Calibre and open it
- Go to Calibre's Preferences (under Calibre in the top menu)
- Under Advanced, click Plugins
- Select Load plugin from file
- Navigate to the folder of Tools
- In the sub folder inside that, Calibre plugins, click and load each of the zip files in turn
- Click the green Apply tick, top left

Well, this setup works for me - Mac OS Lion, Kobo ereader, ebook purchased from let's say a large river site. Although I have to admit it is quite an elaborate to-do.